5. I Know Many Approaches to Teaching and Learning

Permanent Certification KSA 4 - Teachers know there are many approaches to teaching and learning

I appreciate individual differences and believe all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways.

Source: https://meetyourmentor.wordpress.com/albert-einstein-quotes/
I believe the most powerful trickle down effect occurs when students take responsibility and ownership for their own learning.  I strive to create a classroom environment that allows for this so that each student can feel confident about their strengths and use them in the classroom.  Some examples of how I do this are:

I recognize students different learning styles and the different ways they learn and accommodate these differences in individuals and groups of students.

Our Daily 5 Literacy Rotations. Students cross their names off with dry erase markers to choose their language arts activities for the day.  Students must choose all five eventually in the course of a day or two and then we start all over.
Plasticine Word Work
Project Based Learning group project research

Group work doing hands-on science experiments to learn that sound is made through vibrations.

In a class where 70% of my population is male, I recognize the importance for hands on, kinesthetic learning.  Not for a minute am I saying that females don't need this as well (my daughter is a fairly "active" learner as well - see my Rowdy Reader post for details!)   Yet, there comes a time when you just gotta "sit down, shut up and get to work!" (in the immortal words of my late high school English teacher Mr. Brocklesby, bless his soul)

And so to balance out these times:

We have these times:

2-3 minute stretch breaks with "Maximo" from Go Noodle

I know there is a fluidity of teaching and learning.  I constantly monitor the effectiveness and appropriateness of my practices and students activities, and change them as needed.

photo of weekly plans 
link back to Page 3 - contextual variables

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